15 Gifs & 1 Vine Of The Straight Big Brother Guys Acting Very Gay

Posted July 23, 2014 by with 8 comments


The current season of Big Brother allegedly only has one gay house guest, but after watching recent episodes or spending any time on the live feeds, you might think there two, three, or even four gay house guests. There has been more homoerotic, man-on-man sexual activity (or at least sexually suggestive activity) in the house than you see in most gay porn, and while most of it has revolved around the only out gay house guest (Ariana Grande’s brother, Frankie), almost every single other male house guest has done something extremely gay over the past month.

Here’s Caleb grinding his cock up against Frankie’s ass:


Frankie might be the only openly gay house guest, but all of the other men have been exhibiting homosexual behavior, even if they’re not actually gay.

Cody Calafiore’s underwear ads don’t make him gay…


…but doing a male striptease in front of Frankie and worshiping Caleb’s legs might be just a little gay.




Seeing so many men who are comfortable with their sexuality is a refreshing change of pace after last season’s house full of insane racists and homophobes. Caleb and Zach, for example, aren’t gay. They’re just a couple of bros dancing shirtless together.


tumblr_n94lryvPGK1r3v3qio2_500And just because Zach and Frankie hug, kiss, and cuddle all the time, that doesn’t mean Zach is gay. He just likes gay guys.


Just because Zach likes to dance with all of the men and never any of the women in the house, that doesn’t make him gay.


Seriously, he’s not gay.

tumblr_n8l6h7MSKo1rzydvuo1_500And finally, just because Zach had to get up in the middle of the night (after sleeping next to Frankie) with a visible boner and wet spot on his shorts doesn’t mean he’s gay.


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