Gay Porn Stars Mickey Taylor And Kayden Gray Attacked In Berlin
It’s unclear what exactly precipitated the attack, but a bloodied and beaten Mickey Taylor does his best to explain what happened to him and Kayden Gray last night in the emotionally charged video below. He also posted this text along with the video, which should make anyone think twice before going to the bar/club “Blonde” in Berlin:
You all know me and you all know Kayden. We are not bad violent people. Some guy at a Blonde in Berlin slapped Kayden thinking he was funny and wasn’t, so Kayden just wanted to ask him why and the guy attacked Kayden and so did the barman aswell as being racist towards me and when I stood in the middle off everyone fighting and stopping by everyone from fighting he then went on to attack me when I even tried to help him and the bar staff even after being racist towards me and another customer. My mouth and hand are now bleeding badly because off the racism and neglect off Blondes work staff and there racist abuse and assault towards me and Kayden in Berlin and I recommended no one goes there’s ever!
Video via Facebook:
Both Mickey Taylor and Kayden Gray are, presumably, safely back at their hotel (they were in Berlin shooting a scene together) and getting some rest, as it was approximately 5 a.m. Berlin time when this video was recorded and uploaded.