Gay Porn Stars Wearing MAGA Hats Scream “Trump And Pump!” While Gangbanging A Bottom Bareback

Posted January 18, 2018 by with 60 comments

FX149A-ScreenGrab-55As if we aren’t disgusted enough having to hear about Trump on the news all day every day, we now have to be reminded of him in another gay porn scene. This time, it’s the FraternityX bros wearing the MAGA hats while gangbanging someone bareback.

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As you’ll recall, Raging Stallion featured MAGA hats in their Gun Show movie last summer:

agasOne of my New Year’s resolutions is to pay less attention to Trump news, and to avoid having to hear anything about him or his bullshit administration. So, I’m not sure I have it in me to care or even be offended by these douche bags in the MAGA hats.


If this is something that makes you want to jerk off, enjoy. The Trump douche bags gangbang the bottom after he reveals that he’s a bisexual who doesn’t support Trump. So, if the stupid hats aren’t offensive enough for you, there’s also plenty of homophobia and biphobia.

fx149a_10 fx149a_11 fx149a_12 FX149A-ScreenGrab-63FraternityX could’ve turned the tables and had a Trump supporter get gangbanged, which would be more satisfying for viewers. Instead, we’re stuck with these loud mouth douche bags. Trailer (watch full scene here):

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[FraternityX: Douche Bags In MAGA Hats Gangbang A Bottom Bareback]

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