Helix Re-Launches All-Twink Studio “8teenBoy”

Posted April 10, 2017 by with 97 comments

8teenboy_launchimage-640x360If there were just not enough twinks for you on Helix Studios, you’re in luck, because now there is a site with even more twinks. Helix has re-launched a studio today specializing only in gay twink porn, and it’s all twink, all the time at 8teenBoy:

Today Helix Studios officially launches their new website 8teenBoy.com. Fans of the award-winning gay adult entertainment studio Helix Studios will be delighted to explore this new ultra-twink content line created with the same emphasis on quality hardcore filmmaking. As the “little brother” to Helix Studios, 8teenBoy features a fresh lineup of barely legal boys as well as some industry fan favorites eager to show the new boys the ropes. From fun storylines to hardcore action the 8teenBoy stars are at their sexual peak and anxious to try it all!

Keith Miller, owner of Helix Studios, is excited to re-explore the genre that his network of sites was built on. “As Helix Studios moves further into college aged action, we wanted to apply everything we’ve learned to create a new line of content focus on a guys first sexual interactions. It’s an incredibly exciting time in a gay boys life, everyone remembers those first heart-pounding experiences, and it’s something we’re passionate about capturing on screen.”

8teenBoy-homepage-5As some know, the studio/site 8teenBoy has been around for several years, so this should be considered a re-launch, with new content now being produced by Helix.

Performer Max Carter has joined the team of directors shooting content for 8teenBoy, and there are dozens of scenes now live on the site. The newest features twinks Jay Thompson and Jared Scott:

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