Introducing Newcomer Ace Era, A Gay Porn Star Seeking Blood, Rape, HIV, And More

Posted December 9, 2016 by with 118 comments

acer5In case you needed further proof that 2016 was truly a bizarre year for gay porn, look no further than newcomer Ace Era. This West Virginia-based performer is perhaps best recognized by the two tattooed words he has on his butt cheeks: “Fuck and “Me.” Subtle, yet to the point!

fuckmeTo help expand his fan base and grow his social media reach, Ace Era is very active on Twitter, and yesterday, he tweeted a video of himself pooping out a watery load of cum. Move over, Billy Santoro!


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So far, Ace Era has worked for Lucas Entertainment (big surprise), Falcon Studios, Raw Fuck Club, and even Dominic Ford (yes, even dead gay porn studios still produce content for their two remaining customers—who are also probably dead, but just haven’t canceled their recurring memberships). But before Ace Era really started to become a household name, he tweeted out what he hoped to participate in as a new member of the gay porn industry:

ace3Ace Era can probably check “bareback,” “bb gangbang,” “rape,” and “really old” off his bucket list after working for Michael Lucas, but it’s unclear if he’s made any progress on the blood or HIV fronts.

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