SHOCK: Two Men Are KISSING In The Sketchy Sex House

Posted February 7, 2018 by with 19 comments

SS082B-ScreenGrab-12If you thought that My Little Pony-themed gay porn scene from yesterday was wild, things are getting downright fucking crazy in the Sketchy Sex house today, as their new scene features two men openly and romantically KISSING. With tongue:


Other than cocks going in mouths and assholes, I can not recall seeing such a blatant display of homosexuality and man-on-man physical contact in the Sketchy Sex house, so this kissing is historic! And, note that one of the men kissing is Jordan Boss, who is fairly new to the house. Jordan and the other Sketchy Sex model can be seen making out during most of the trailer below.


Romance? In the Sketchy Sex house? So much for cum dumps and passed out anonymous bottoms. In 2018, Sketchy Sex is all about passion.


OK, actually, there are still some cum dumps.

SS082B-ScreenGrab-25 ss082b_16Trailer (watch full scene here):

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[Sketchy Sex: Kissing And Cum Dumps]

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