14% Of Biden Voters Support Anti-Vaxxer RFK Jr. For President

Posted April 19, 2023 by with 9 comments

As I’ve been saying all year, Biden isn’t running for reelection (I’ll be the first to eat crow if I’m wrong), so I guess this deranged lunatic can be the nominee instead? We are so royally fucked. Via USA Today:

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. launches his unlikely bid for the Democratic presidential nomination Wednesday with the support of 14% of voters who backed President Joe Biden in 2020, an exclusive USA TODAY/Suffolk University Poll finds.

That is surprising strength for a candidate who has a famous political name but is now known mostly as the champion of a debunked conspiracy theory blaming childhood vaccines for autism.

In the survey taken Saturday through Tuesday, only 67% of Biden’s 2020 supporters said they would support him for the Democratic nomination over his current challengers. Kennedy stands at 14%, and self-help author Marianne Williamson, a quixotic candidate for the nomination last time, is at 5%. Another 13% are undecided.

[USA Today]

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