37-Year-Old Virgin Gets 2 Meter-Long String Stuck In Penis While Masturbating

Posted February 11, 2022 by with 1 comment

Just a friendly weekend reminder that no matter how tough life might be for you right now, things could always be worse. Via DailyMail:

A 37-year-old Indonesian virgin, who lived with his mother, shoved a 2m-long nylon string into his penis and couldn’t get it out in a masturbation game gone wrong. The patient, who doctors didn’t identify, went to a hospital in Surabaya and told medics he had suffered from abdominal pain for two hours.

The man, who escaped any permanent injury, also complained of struggling to urinate and passing blood. He confessed to doctors that he inserted a piece of nylon string into his urethra while erect and watching porn. The patient told doctors this was the first time he put something into his urethra, but said he masturbated and watched porn daily.

Doctors performed bladder irrigation — a procedure when a sterile fluid is flushed through a catheter into the bladder to remove blockages — in the hopes this would dislodge the string. But it didn’t work.

They then performed a cystoscopy — when a camera is inserted into the bladder through a tube so doctors can see inside. Medics saw a ‘black bundle of nylon string’ and were finally able to remove it using long thin tweezers.

The patient, who was kept in hospital for two days so doctors could monitor him, fully recovered.

But a psychiatrist, who he was referred to by medics, said he had obsessive-compulsive disorder and paraphilia — getting aroused by something regarded as unusual.

[DailyMail: Indonesian virgin, 37, who lives at home with his mother, gets 2m-long piece of string stuck in his penis]

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