61% Of Americans Say Pornography Is Immoral, While 36% Consider Being Gay Immoral

Posted June 18, 2023 by with 17 comments

Americans—perhaps the most deceitful, hypocritical, and full-of-shit pigs on planet earth—have some thoughts on being gay, watching porn, and even using condoms. Note that figures in the above chart are percentages of people who say those behaviors are “morally acceptable,” which means, for example, that while 39% say porn is OK, a whopping 61% of Americans consider pornography immoral and unacceptable. These people, of course, are watching and jerking off to porn every single day of their miserable lives. Meanwhile, the item with the biggest change in opinion is “gay or lesbian relations” (whatever the fuck “relations” means), dropping 7 points from last year. Thanks to right-wing cable ghouls and bigoted freaks spreading lies and hatred on social media, just 64% say being LGBT is OK. This means that 36%, over 1/3 of the population, think being gay is immoral.

It’s fun when you look at the entire list of support for “moral issues” and the respective drops in percentages on the far right column, and you see that virtually everything is deemed more immoral compared to last year…with one exception: The death penalty! That’s up by 5 points. Compare that to doctor-assisted suicide, down by 2 points. Killing people is great, unless of course you’re a doctor providing relief to a terminally ill person.

Full polling results, analysis, and breakdown by political party via Gallup.

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