81-Year-Old Joe Biden Infected With COVID Again

Posted July 17, 2024 by with 2 comments

Another plot twist for the 2024 election, although this should not be a surprise to anyone with a brain. The COVID pandemic never ended and is still raging out of control right now in the United States with over 1,000,000 infections occurring every day, and over 500 Americans dying every week.

Via Las Vegas Review Journal:

President Joe Biden has tested postive for COVID and will not appear at the UnidosUS convention on the Strip Wednesday, according to UnidosUS President and CEO Janet Murguia.


We’re getting the whole “mild symptoms” shtick in the statement below, but Biden has looked and sounded like a corpse for the whole year, so there’s obviously no way to know how he’s really doing right now. The White House statement:

COVID is a vascular disease that can lead to heart attacks, strokes, blood clots, organ failure, and more, and it also obliterates the immune system, leaving people susceptible to severe infections in the weeks and months after someone has “recovered” from the initial infection. People who’ve had COVID multiple times like the 81-year-old Biden are even more prone to complications. Assuming he gets over this latest infection, let’s hope he finally does the right thing and drops out of the race this week. As I predicted earlier this month, Biden must drop out by July 31st in order to save his party and the country from the MAGA takeover.

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