Battle Of The Blond Bottoms: Paul Cassidy Vs. Ryan Jordan

Posted May 13, 2020 by with 8 comments

Two blond bottoms being fucked bareback in two new scenes today, and if you could switch places with one of their tops and fuck one of these fan favorites yourself, who would you choose?

At ActiveDuty, Ryan Jordan is being topped by Mark McKenzie:

At Freshmen, Paul Cassidy is being topped by Jason Bacall:

Prefer to fuck Ryan?

Or would you rather top blondie Paul?

Choose a bottom:

Who Would You Rather Top?

Trailer for Ryan and Mark (watch full scene here):

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[ActiveDuty: Mark McKenzie Fucks Ryan Jordan Bareback]

Trailer for Paul and Jason (watch full scene here):

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[Freshmen: Jason Bacall Fucks Paul Cassidy Bareback]

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