BelAmi Releases ~2015 Scene From “George’s Vault” Starring Helmut Huxley And Hoyt Kogan
BelAmi has released a very special scene today from studio owner George Duroy’s infamous “vault” (meaning this was filmed several years ago), and it stars two of BelAmi’s most beautiful models of all time: Hoyt Kogan and Helmut Huxley.
Their combined beauty is so striking, I’m not sure whether to jerk off or cry? Perhaps both.
After filming this scene many years ago, Hoyt Kogan has since become a well known male model (and has been famously dating fashion designer Jeremy Scott), and looking at him in the photo below, is it any surprise?
While BelAmi won’t reveal when exactly this scene was filmed, they have noted that it’s an “early scene between Hoyt and Helmut.” With that in mind, I’m thinking it was filmed shortly after Helmut started shooting with the studio, sometime in 2014 or early 2015? Helmut first started appearing in scenes in 2015 (Hoyt’s first scenes came out in 2013), so this duo is at least six years old.
Given that the studio has unreleased content from at least six years ago, you have to wonder what other BelAmi stars (some of whom have long since retired) might be popping up. Anything left from Dolph Lambert, Kris Evans, and Mick Lovell?
More of Hoyt Kogan topping Helmut Huxley, in one of the first scenes Helmut ever filmed:
Trailer (watch full scene here):