End Times Preacher Says Alien Reptile Took Over Husband’s Body And Tried To Rape Her
Today in evangelical Christians who claim to have been nearly raped by alien reptiles, a preacher who calls herself Sharon Gilbert says one such creature disguised itself as her husband and tried to have “sexual relations” with her. Luckily, good ol’ Jesus was there to save the day:
Preacher, author and talk show host Sharon Gilbert, who appeared on infamous preacher Jim Bakker’s online show on Tuesday, recounted the surreal event in her life, which apparently occurred just after she had gotten married to her husband, Derek, who was also on the episode.
“After Derek and I got married…one night, this other Derek appears in our bed,” begins Gilbert. “The real Derek is lying down next to me. The other Derek sits right up out of it. It startled me. I knew that was not Derek. So I asked this critter: ‘Who are you?’ because he clearly wanted to have sexual relations. He said ‘come on, I’m your husband.’ I said ‘who are you?’ and he had the nerve to claim to be Ahasuerus – Xerses [the fourth King of Kings of the Achaemenid Empire who ruled from 486 to 465 BC].”
She claimed that she was visited by the creature a dozen times over the course of five years and that it was attempting to “use my free will to do something that was going to pull me away from God.”
However, she managed to put an end to his visitations when she internally said “I’ve had enough” and: “I reached up, I grabbed his face and I said, ‘You are a liar. And Jesus is real.’ And I pulled that face-off. And beneath it was a reptile.”
In addition to this Gilbert says that he had “little creatures with him this time, these little halfling creatures and they looked like gargoyles, they were reptilian as well.“
If we are living in “end times,” I don’t know why an alien would have to disguise itself as an reptile, who would then try to impersonate a human. Seems like it would be easier for the creature to just be itself, but I guess the story isn’t as compelling that way. Either way, thank Jesus this lady is OK and was able to outsmart the alien reptile rapist.