Naked Hunk Caught On Camera Stopping Thief From Stealing Car

Posted November 27, 2021 by with 6 comments

The thief didn’t get away with the car, but on the bright side, at least he got to spend some time being confronted by a naked Australian hunk:

A Gold Coast man did not hesitate when he rushed out of his home completely naked to find a teenager attempting to steal his car. David Rutherford was woken up by the sound of his car starting just after midnight on Wednesday and ran out of bed to find a teenager had taken his keys. Without thinking to put clothes on, Mr Rutherford caught the 15-year-old as he was reversing out of the gutter and jumped in front of the car.

“I heard the car start and I ran out and he hit the gutter here and then stalled it,” he told 7 News. “I didn’t have time to put clothes on because I sleep naked.”

Mr Rutherford managed to wrestle the teen out of the car and used his jiu-jitsu skills to ensure he didn’t get away.

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