Finland Prime Minister Sorry For Going Clubbing Till 4 a.m. After COVID Contact

Posted December 8, 2021 by with 1 comment

Trump literally tried to kill Joe Biden by taking the debate stage with him when he was knowingly positive (and symptomatic!) with COVID, so this news about the Finnish PM is nothing. No harm, no foul:

Finland’s Prime Minister Sanna Marin has apologised for going clubbing after coming into close contact with a Covid-19 case.

Sanna Marin went on a night out in Helsinki on Saturday, hours after her foreign minister had tested positive.

She was initially told she did not need to isolate because she had been fully vaccinated, but later missed a text that advised her to do so.

Critics questioned her judgement for not isolating until testing negative.

The Social Democratic prime minister, 36, said the text message that advised her to avoid social contact was sent to her work phone, which she had left at home.

When she saw the text on Sunday, she urgently sought a Covid test and the result came back negative.

Ms Marin has faced criticism since a gossip magazine published photos of the prime minister attending a Helsinki nightclub with friends on Saturday.

The Seiska magazine said it spoke to witnesses who saw her dancing at the Butchers club, where she stayed until 04:00.

[BBC: Sanna Marin: Finland’s PM sorry for clubbing after Covid contact]

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