Spotify Will Now Run A “Content Warning” Before Game Show Host’s Podcast

Posted January 30, 2022 by with 5 comments

Joe Rogan—a former game show host who spreads COVID lies and anti-vax conspiracy theories when he’s not trying to suck his own dick or shave his own ass—will now have a “content warning” airing before his Spotify show, which probably won’t matter to the brain dead clowns stupid enough to listen to his show in the first place, but at least this means that Spotify is nervous about the backlash they’ve faced this past week. The more music artists that abandon the streaming service for platforming a worthless douche like Rogan, the better. Via Deadline:

Spotify podcast fans will notice a new content warning will air ahead of any podcast episodes discussing Covid-19, CEO Daniel Ek announced on Sunday.

The news arrives on the heels of Neil Young removing his catalog from the service in protest of Joe Rogan‘s podcast which has been criticized for spreading misinformation. In solidarity with Young, Joni Mitchell said she’d also ask that her music be removed.

In addition to publishing their long-standing platform rules and a commitment to test ways to highlight said rules “to raise awareness around what’s acceptable and help creators understand their accountability,” the addition of the content warning.

“We are working to add a content advisory to any podcast episode that includes a discussion about COVID-19,” Ek said. “This advisory will direct listeners to our dedicated COVID-19 Hub, a resource that provides easy access to data-driven facts, up-to-date information as shared by scientists, physicians, academics, and public health authorities around the world, as well as links to trusted sources. This new effort to combat misinformation will roll out to countries around the world in the coming days.”

So, in that last quoted line, they’re literally admitting that they allow misinformation to be spread on their service. Insane, but not surprising given the money they make off Rogan. Deadly stupidity is big business.

[Deadline: Spotify Announces Addition Of Content Warnings In Response To Joe Rogan Covid-19 Misinformation Criticism]

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