Two-Week Countdown To L.A. County Mask Mandate Begins

Posted July 15, 2022 by with 3 comments

In a world full of stupid fucking bullshit, this has got to be the stupidest fucking bullshit of 2022. Obviously not because I’m against mask mandates (we should have had mask mandates strictly enforced for the last three years), but because L.A. county is delaying the inevitable for two entire weeks, and thus deliberately racking up another 100,000 infections (not to mention hundreds of deaths and hospitalizations). Making this bullshit even more fucking stupid, once the mandate goes into effect, a majority of people and businesses won’t be adhering to it (“my body, my choice!”), or they’ll have those blue surgical masks uselessly dangling from their chins. On the bright side, at least the next batch of viral videos of various Karen mask meltdowns in Trader Joe’s will be entertaining. Oh, and of course, when the data comes out next year showing that mask mandates “didn’t work” (because people didn’t wear the fucking masks!), the stupid fucking shit-for-brains anti-maskers will scream, “SEE, masks don’t work!” Well, those that are still alive will be screaming, assuming they aren’t permanently disabled with shortness of fucking breath from Long COVID. Via ABC7:


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