Doctors Pull Water Bottle From Constipated Man’s Anus

Posted July 19, 2022 by with 2 comments

Friendly reminder not to stick things like this inside your asshole, especially if doing something like this would embarrass you in front of your wife. Via DailyMail:

An Iranian man needed a seven-and-half inch (19cm) water bottle yanked out of his anus.

The constipated 50-year-old, who wasn’t named, was so scared of his wife’s reaction he delayed seeking help for three days.

She had taken him to hospital because she was concerned about his lack of eating, abdominal pain and inability to go to the toilet.

But the man didn’t tell doctors that it was because he had a 250ml bottle inside him. It was only spotted when he was sent for a CT scan.

Writing in the journal Clinical Case Reports, they said he didn’t want to reveal he had inserted the object inside himself due to ’embarrassment and fear of his wife’

He had pushed the bottom of the bottle in first, so he would be able to pull it out by gripping the top.

But he was unable to extract the item, leaving the plastic bottle lodged deep inside his large intestine.

The man, who had a history of depression, was immediately rushed for surgery and given anaesthesia to knock him out and relax his sphincter.

Surgeons then ‘carefully and slowly’ dragged the bottle back out of his anus. There was no rupture or bleeding.


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