Transgender Chick-fil-A Employee Told To Take Threatening Sexual Harassment As A Compliment

Posted July 20, 2022 by with 1 comment

To all the fucking gays who still insist on eating at this bigoted biblical shithole, here’s another reminder of all the hatred, harassment, and inhumanity that you support. Via WaPo:

Erin Taylor, 29, was met with sexual harassment from co-workers on her very first day at work [at Chick-fil-A], Taylor alleges in a discrimination lawsuit filed last month. When she reported the abuse to the franchise restaurant’s owner, the complaint alleges, Taylor was not only outed to her harasser as transgender, but she also was told that, as a trans woman, “it should be an honor … that someone liked her enough to hit on her.”

The federal lawsuit, filed in the U.S. District Court for Northern Georgia, accuses the Decatur fast-food restaurant of violating her civil rights by “subjecting [Taylor] to ongoing discrimination” on the basis of her gender identity, and for firing her after she raised the issue repeatedly with management.


More from the CBS affiliate in Georgia:

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