Ricky Martin Nephew Withdraws Harassment Claim As Case Is Dismissed

Posted July 21, 2022 by with 2 comments

Excellent news for Ricky Martin, as his nephew—who had alleged he was having an incestuous affair with Martin—has withdrawn his affair and harassment claims. (Don’t they have laws in Puerto Rico against someone making false claims like this??) Via Variety:

Ricky Martin’s nephew withdrew his harassment and affair claims against the singer in a July 21 court appearance, which effectively closed the case.

Joaquín Monserrate Matienzo, Carmelo Dávila and Harry Massanet Pastrana, the attorneys for Martin, released a statement about the dismissal:

“Just as we had anticipated, the temporary protection order was not extended by the Court,” the statement reads. “The accuser confirmed to the court that his decision to dismiss the matter was his alone, without any outside influence or pressure, and the accuser confirmed he was satisfied with his legal representation in the matter. The request came from the accuser asking to dismiss the case. This was never anything more than a troubled individual making false allegations with absolutely nothing to substantiate them. We are glad that our client saw justice done and can now move forward with his life and his career.”


As you’ll recall, Martin is still facing a $3 million lawsuit from his former manager, who claims that Martin owes her unpaid commissions.

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