Alex Jones Sexted Nude Photo Of Wife To Trump Henchman Roger Stone

Posted August 11, 2022 by with 1 comment

Alex Jones, his grotesque wife naked, Roger Stone…it’s a barfapalooza. Via Insider:

The wife of conservative radio host Alex Jones told Insider on Tuesday that she was “unaware” her husband sent a nude photo of her to former Donald Trump adviser Roger Stone.

The illicit picture was among a trove of text messages that Jones’ own lawyer accidentally turned over to opposing counsel in a defamation damages trial involving the parents of a Sandy Hook shooting victim.

Mark Bankston, who represented the parents in the case, told The Young Turks on Monday that Jones’ legal team accidentally turned Jones’ text messages — including a nude photo of Jones’ wife, Erika Wulff-Jones, that was sent to Stone.

“Honestly I was unaware that this occurred,” Wulff-Jones told Insider. “I’m sure this was some type of brag exchange, look how hot my wife is type thing.”

“I am upset that he took privilege to send the image to someone without my knowledge. However, that’s really the least of my problems right now,” Wulff-Jones added.


The wife and Jones are apparently still separated, as the wife was arrested for domestic violence after beating the shit out of Jones with a golf club last Christmas. Too bad she didn’t kill him.

Her mug shot:

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