Liz Cheney Loses Primary Election To MAGA Ghoul Harriet Hageman

Posted August 16, 2022 by with 6 comments

On the one hand, anything that’s considered a “win” for Trump is always gross, but on the other hand, the putrid, pumpkin-skinned pig will probably be in prison (or, even better, dead) before the 2024 election, so who cares if one of his brain dead trolls convinced enough worthless fucktards in the middle of nowhere to vote for her. Once he’s either locked up or in a casket, he’ll eventually be forgotten, and he’ll be just another grotesque stain on American history.

Speaking of stains on American history, fuck the wretched Liz Cheney and her godforsaken murderous family, especially her war criminal father. It’s best for the country that there are no longer any Cheneys holding elected office. Via CNN:

Wyoming Rep. Liz Cheney, the most ardent Republican critic of Donald Trump in Congress, vowed to carry on her fight against the former President and the election-denying movement he leads in a speech Tuesday night after conceding defeat in her primary. She’ll lose to Trump-backed attorney Harriet Hageman, CNN projects.

“This primary election is over,” Cheney said in her speech. “But now the real work begins.”

The last of the 10 House Republicans who voted for Trump’s second impeachment to face voters, Cheney now becomes the eighth who will not be returning to the House next year. Cheney’s loss, though widely anticipated, represents a significant marker in the wider fight over the direction of the Republican Party. Once considered an up-and-comer, she was booted from House GOP leadership last year over her unyielding opposition to the former President and trailed in polling back home this year as she helped lead the House select committee investigating the January 6, 2021, attack on the US Capitol.


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