Oklahoma House Candidate Refuses To Apologize For Writing That “Gay People Are Worthy Of Death”

Posted August 20, 2022 by with 6 comments

Can’t decide if this freak looks more like a Klansman or a serial killer? I guess he could be both.

Scott Esk is running to represent Oklahoma City in the state house, and he’s currently under fire for Facebook posts in which he wrote that gays should be put to death by stoning. The posts weren’t from 1713, they were from 2013. Via Oklahoman:

Republican Scott Esk, 56, who faces Gloria Banister in House District 87, has made headlines lately for old Facebook comments he made in which he wrote gay people are “worthy of death” and “we would be totally in the right” to stone them.

He has defended the comments that he made in 2013 that surfaced when he unsuccessfully ran for a different House seat in 2014.

When contacted this week, Esk complained about a 2014 article about him in The Oklahoman that he called a “hit piece,” although he did not elaborate on the content of the story. Esk declined an interview about his campaign and directed The Oklahoman to videos he posted on his YouTube page.


Here below is the sick fuck’s YouTube video in which he justifies what he said on Facebook by claiming that the Bible calls for gays to be killed (starting after the 2-minute mark). He then goes on a homophobic tirade admonishing the “obscene things homosexuals do with each other,” and suggests that gay people should seek conversion therapy. For all the horrific problems we have here in California, this is a good reminder for me that there’s still nothing worse than living in a state run by brain dead and ass-backward bigoted psychopaths like this:

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