Nancy Pelosi’s Husband Pleads Guilty To DUI

Posted August 23, 2022 by with 3 comments

Paul Pelosi won’t be going to jail for driving drunk (he received a 5-day sentence, but all those days were credited), and many are assuming he dodged jail due to the fact that he’s married to someone who’s second in line to the presidency. Most people convicted of their first DUI don’t receive jail time unless there was a major accident and/or injury involved, but Pelosi did in fact cause a crash that resulted in an injury (although, it doesn’t sound serious), so he probably did get off easy thanks to Nancy. That’s the American justice system for you. Via CBS:

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s husband Paul pleaded guilty Tuesday to a single charge of driving under the influence and causing injury, which stemmed from an incident in May in Northern California.

He was sentenced to five days in jail and three years’ probation, but will avoid further time behind bars.

Paul Pelosi already served two days in jail and received conduct credit for two other days, Napa County Superior Court Judge Joseph Solga said. Paul Pelosi will work eight hours in the court’s work program in lieu of the remaining day.

Pelosi was arrested following a May 28 crash in Napa County, north of San Francisco, after a DUI test showed he had a blood alcohol content of .082%, just over the legal limit.

Prosecutors filed the case as a misdemeanor because of injuries to the 48-year-old driver of the other vehicle.

In an interview with investigators from the district attorney’s office, the driver reported pain in his upper right arm, right shoulder and neck the day after the crash. He said he also had headaches.


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