“Naked Carpenter” Sentenced To Prison For Walking Into Police Station Nude

Posted September 6, 2022 by with 9 comments

Today in naked men in public, this one walked into a police station in the nude, and now he’s going to prison. Via DailyMail:

A naturist nicknamed ‘The Naked Carpenter’ who walked into a police station exposing his manhood in see-through thong and trousers has been jailed for 12 months.

Robert Jenner, who has gained notoriety in the past for his revealing behaviour, was dressed in the flimsy, mesh-type garments just hours after being released from prison for previous offences of exposure.

A court heard the first police officer he met could see the 48-year-old’s genitals – but she asked a colleague to confirm her sighting as she was not wearing her glasses.

When quizzed why that morning he had not simply put on ‘the kind of underwear bought in Marks and Spencer’, the former Princess of Wales Regiment infantryman who served in the Iraq War replied he had put on ‘the first thing that came to hand’.

Jenner, of no fixed address, claimed at his trial that how he dresses is a human right and denied breaching the CBO, saying his top covered his manhood.

But a jury at Maidstone Crown Court, Kent, took just 15 minutes to reject his defence and find him guilty.

The former soldier earned his Naked Carpenter moniker in September 2016 when he made headlines for carrying out DIY jobs, gardening and chores in the nude, bar his work boots.

It led to complaints from outraged neighbours but in February 2017 he was cleared of 11 charges of indecent exposure relating to his naked activities at his home.

However, he has since notched up numerous convictions for flashing his genitals, by wearing crotchless trousers while working as a Hermes delivery driver and parading in transparent shorts in a supermarket.


If he were hot, I might have some sympathy for him. Sadly, that’s clearly not the case.

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