Yet Another Florida Doctor Banned From Performing Brazilian Butt Lifts After Killing Patient

Posted September 12, 2022 by with 1 comment

If there’s one thing Florida loves, it’s letting psychopaths get away with murder. This time, it’s a doctor doing the murdering. Via HastingsTribune:

For the second time in the last five years, the death of a Brazilian butt-lift patient at Coral Gables’ Seduction Cosmetic Surgery has led to the doctor being banned from performing such procedures.

Of course it’s called “Seduction” Comestic Surgery.

Thankfully, the good doctor will be able to keep his medical license, so he can continue killing seeing patients for other procedures:

Dr. John Sampson, whose seventh illegal surgery patient died on June 16, 2021, keeps his medical license.

Sampson’s punishment from the Florida Board of Medicine was handed down Friday. Additionally, he was fined $20,000; charged $5,626 for investigation and prosecution costs; ordered to perform five hours of continuing medical education in medical records keeping; must present a one-hour lecture on liposuction and gluteal fat grafting (BBL surgeries are a form of each); and can’t be the Designated Physician at any office surgery center.

That’s what Sampson was supposed to be at Seduction, according to the administrative complaint filed against his license in 2021. Seduction and Sampson told the Florida Department of Health in separate letters that he would be the Designated Physician and would not be performing surgeries at Seduction, 4950 SW Eighth St.

Instead, Sampson not only cut on numerous patients from April 2021 to June 2021 — an allegation in the administrative complaint also made by several emails to the Miami Herald from Seduction patients — but he had seven surgeries on June 16, 2021.

More on how “Seduction” and Sampson have been completely flouting Florida law here.

And, Jesus fucking Christ, here’s the doctor complaining about people not being “prepared” for surgery when they arrive in Miami:

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