Ohio Woman Arrested At Amusement Park For Stroking Boyfriend’s Cock While Waiting In Line For Haunted House

Posted October 5, 2022 by with 1 comment

Fuck waiting to get on the ferris wheel before having sex in public, this Ohio couple decided to perform their sex act while they were in line for a haunted house at an amusement park (the same amusement park where another couple was arrested for ferris wheel sex one month ago). While in line at the Cedar Point attraction, a bystander videotaped the 38-year-old woman unzipping her boyfriend’s pants, sticking her hand inside the pants (through the zipper opening), and then jacking him off. After police showed up, the woman and her boyfriend were arrested, although the woman denied stroking her boyfriend’s cock in public. At the same time, the boyfriend explained, “We just started dating not too long ago and are just affectionate.”

Per the police report, “The video shows a male and female standing in line. The female has her right hand inside the man’s zipper. The video shows the female masturbating the male. You can see the female’s hand making a back and forth motion inside of the male’s pants.”

Incidentally, the haunted house for which they were waiting in line is called “Freak Show.” Via Fox8:

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