Investigation Launched After Woman In Bikini Exits Fire Truck Outside Strip Club

Posted October 8, 2022 by with 3 comments

If this interfered with firefighters doing their job, I can understand how this would be a problem. But if not, it seems like there might be more important things to worry about. Via MSN:

A video posted online Thursday showing a scantily clad woman exiting a fire truck in San Jose before walking into the Pink Poodle strip club drew quick condemnation Friday.

It was unknown whether the woman is employed by the Pink Poodle, which is described as “San Jose’s only all-nude strip club” on the company’s website. Calls to the club were not answered Friday morning.

San Jose Mayor Sam Liccardo responded with an outraged statement.

“If the investigation concludes that this video is as bad as it looks, then heads must roll,” Liccardo said in the statement. “We cannot have a life-critical emergency rescue apparatus relegated to a frat party bus, nor tolerate any conduct that so demeans the heroic work of the rest of our SJFD team.”


“Heads must roll”?! Calm down queen. Maybe the firemen were just giving the lady a ride (haha) to work. The video:

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