Two Shot Dead Outside Gay Bar By “Radicalized” Teen

Posted October 16, 2022 by with 3 comments

[image outside Teplaren via Wikipedia]

Social media sites—particularly Twitter, which allows death threats and mass organizing for psychotic bigots and right-wing extremists looking to silence or kill members of marginalized groups—continue to fuel these acts of violence, and there’s no denying the fact that all the various apps and platforms are slowly but surely destroying civilization as we know it. Via NBC:

BRATISLAVA, Slovakia — A “radicalized teenager” shot dead two people outside a gay bar in Slovakia’s capital, Bratislava, Prime Minister Eduard Heger said.

The gunman killed two people and wounded another near the Teplaren bar in the city center Wednesday evening, police said. The suspected attacker was found dead Thursday morning, officers added.

“I strongly condemn a murder of two young people shot dead in Bratislava last night by a radicalized teenager,” Heger wrote on Twitter.

Slovak media reported the main suspect had posted messages with the phrases “hate crime” and “gay bar” hashtagged on Twitter. The Dennik N news website said the attacker had posted a manifesto against the LGBT and the Jewish communities before the killings.


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