Naked Man Arrested After Crashing Car Into Lake And Breaking Into Home

Posted October 19, 2022 by with 3 comments

Surprised he made it out alive, given his old age and given he was (presumably) high or drunk. Via East Idaho News:

A naked man was arrested Monday after deputies say he crashed his car into water before breaking into a nearby home.

Chris E. Daniels, 61, was taken into custody and booked into the Jefferson County Jail.

The situation began when the Jefferson County Sheriff’s Office received a report around 8:30 a.m. that an unoccupied Honda Civic was submerged in water in the “dry bed” at 433 North 4200 East.

Around this time, Tucker Jorgensen tells he went to his neighbor’s home next to the dry bed.

“My neighbor is out of town but I texted him and he said it was fine if I went into his backyard,” Jorgensen says. “As I went to leave his yard, I noticed the garage door to my neighbor’s shed was open.“

“I raced down there and cops had the house surrounded. Then this old guy who was butt naked came out of the house with handcuffs on,” Jorgensen explains.

“He went right upstairs, dropped his clothes in the bathroom, took a pee and didn’t flush, pulled the covers back on the bed and just went to sleep,” Jorgensen says.

[East Idaho News]

And he didn’t flush? The nerve.

Video of the naked man’s arrest here.

His mug shot:

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