Gay Couple Attacked With Homophobic Slurs During Screening Of Halloween Ends

Posted October 22, 2022 by with 1 comment

Via Manchester Evening News:

Cinema staff were forced to stop a movie midway through after a group became ‘disruptive’ before then hurling homophobic abuse at a gay couple. The incident, at the VUE Bury The Rock cinema, saw the large group repeatedly told off for talking and causing a nuisance before it quickly escalated on Saturday night.

Around an hour into the film, the group, who had previously been given a warning, were eventually asked to leave by security staff at the cinema. The incident escalated during the 10.15pm showing of Halloween Ends.

One gay couple, who have asked to remain nameless, say they then had homophobic slurs launched at them before the group of rowdy customers left and the film continued. It has been logged as a hate crime with police, who say they are investigating.

One of the men, who had attended the late showing with his boyfriend and their female friend told the Manchester Evening News : “We had been to see the Halloween movie and went to a later showing than we were supposed to. We initially noticed a group of young males, I’d say they were teenagers, gathering at the entrance milling around, but didn’t think too much of it at first.

“When we went inside, they were sat on the row in front of us. Before the film even started the security guard said there had been a complaint about their noise and if he had another they would be kicked out.

“They kept using slurs – but it just sadly washes over you as a gay person. You sort of come to expect it and almost prepare yourself when there are a group of young people. We have heard it all before. They were just being vile with everyone and anyone who challenged them.”

In fairness, the homophobic slurs and abuse they suffered couldn’t have been nearly as offensive as having to sit through Halloween Ends.

[Manchester Evening News]

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