Chris Evans Named “Sexiest Man Alive” By People Magazine

Posted November 8, 2022 by with 5 comments

It’s so corny they still do this (and does People even still print magazines?), but whatever. Chris Evans is extremely hot and he deserves to have people ogling him. Via People:

If you were to tell a middle school-aged Chris Evans that he would one day be named PEOPLE’s Sexiest Man Alive, “he’d be pumped!” the star tells the magazine in this week’s cover story. “This would probably be the road to the cool table which I was not at.”

Present-day Evans, 41, is still adjusting to the new title of PEOPLE’s 2022 Sexiest Man Alive and having to talk about it, but he knows this news will delight at least one person: “My mom will be so happy,” he says. “She’s proud of everything I do but this is something she can really brag about.”


I’ll never forget him from that scene in Not Another Teen Movie, of course:

And here’s a compilation of shirtless Chris Evans in some movie called What’s Your Number:

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