Former Twitter Official Forced To Flee Home After Being Falsely Accused Of Pedophilia By Elon Musk

Posted December 12, 2022 by with 10 comments

Elon Musk’s deranged egomania coupled with his obvious rage-filled humiliation after being forced to spend $44 billion buying a worthless social media app he never wanted has now reached a point where he’s going to get someone killed. Former Twitter official Yoel Roth was involved in banning Donald Trump after Trump used the site to try and stage a violent coup back on January 6th, 2021, and now the MAGA psychos want Roth’s head. Read the full story on CNN, but here’s a summation:

Twitter’s former head of trust and safety has fled his home due to an escalation in threats resulting from Elon Musk’s campaign of criticism against him, a person familiar with the matter told CNN on Monday.

[Yoel] Roth’s position involved him working on sensitive issues including the suspension of then-President Donald Trump’s account in 2021. On Monday, [Bari] Weiss posted a series of screenshots purported to show internal Twitter documents where Roth and others discussed whether to ban Trump’s account…

Roth has since been the subject of criticism and threats following the release of the Twitter Files. However, things took a dark turn over the weekend when Musk appeared to endorse a tweet that baselessly accused Roth of being sympathetic to pedophilia — a common trope used by conspiracy theorists to attack people online.


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