[UPDATED] Openly Gay Congressman-Elect Admits To Lying About His Entire Life While Running For Office

Posted December 27, 2022 by with 22 comments

That MAGA faggot who lied about literally his entire life—from graduating college, where he worked, who he was married to, his grandparents escaping the Holocaust, his heritage, and even being an employer of four people killed at the Pulse nightclub shooting—has admitted to being a pathological liar, but he still intends to be sworn into the House of Representatives next month. George Santos gave interviews yesterday to friendly conservative media on talk radio and the New York Post, so he of course faced no real pushback or follow-up questions about what a complete whack job he is. This is insane:

He called his lie about working for Citigroup and Goldman Sachs a “poor choice of words” because he worked for another company that did business with both.

And he claimed a silent hyphen explains his false declaration of Jewish heritage.

“I never claimed to be Jewish,” he said. “I am Catholic. Because I learned my maternal family had a Jewish background I said I was ‘Jew-ish.’”

Among Santos’ other belated disclosures: He never graduated from college despite saying he had a diploma from Baruch, he does not own any property despite bragging that he owned 13, and he still owes $12,000 in back rent a judge ordered him to pay.

“I completely forgot about it,” he said.

[New York Times]


You know what? Unless his constituents demand that Santos be expelled (which has been done in the House just five times in U.S. history), the ass-backwards right-wing idiots in Long Island who voted for this freak show fraud absolutely deserve him, and I hope his ineptitude destroys their neighborhoods and livelihoods.


Santos finally did a live television interview tonight, and of all the people to gently rip him a new asshole, it was former congresswoman turned right-wing grifter and Fox News personality Tulsi Gabbard. Here was Gabbard (filling in for Tucker Carlson) doing a relatively nice job of humiliating the latest Republican conman:

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