Investigation Launched After Football Player Accused Of Fingering Opponent’s Asshole During Game
[Barron and Roman, who are not the football players mentioned in the story below, via Corbin Fisher]
Very unsportsmanlike behavior at a recent football game in the UK, but perhaps it wasn’t intentional? It’s easy to accidentally slip a finger or two inside of someone during a close contact sport. Via TalkSport:
The Nottinghamshire Football Association are investigating a claim that a Sunday League player inserted a ‘finger or multiple fingers’ into the anus of an opponent during a match.
A message from the FA’s discipline team about the alleged incident has been leaked, which says it took place on January 8.
It reads: “It has been reported to us that during a match between [home team] and [away team], a player allegedly inserted his finger(s) into an opposition player’s anus.”
Nottinghamshire FA have confirmed it is aware of an incident being reported, and said it was currently under investigation.