Not Again! DOJ Finds FOURTH Set Of Classified Documents In Biden’s Home After 12-Hour Search

Posted January 21, 2023 by with 7 comments

While I actually don’t believe there’s any malicious intent behind Biden’s document hoarding, this is nothing short of a disaster for the Democrats. It’s so absurd (this is the fourth set of classified documents found in various Biden offices, homes, garages, etc.), I almost feels like it’s kind of deliberate, so that the 80-year-old Biden won’t have to run again in 2024. I’ve believed all along that he won’t seek re-election, and this embarrassing scandal would be a great way out for him. Via NBC:

Six additional items, including documents with classified markings, were found in President Joe Biden’s Delaware home after Department of Justice officials searched the residence Friday, the president’s personal attorney said Saturday.

The documents at the Wilmington, Delaware, home appear to be related to his time as vice president as well as to his tenure in the U.S. Senate and were found after Biden’s counsel offered full access to the premises as the department investigates his possession of classified material, Bob Bauer, Biden’s personal attorney, said in a statement.


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