Gay Man Brutally Beaten After Leaving San Francisco Gay Bar

Posted February 6, 2023 by with 7 comments

I’m about as anti-gun as you can get, but at what point should gays start bringing firearms with them when they go out to bars? It’s looking like that’s the only way to stay safe when venturing out in a city as increasingly dangerous as San Francisco. Via San Francisco Standard:

A gay man was assaulted after leaving a popular queer bar in San Francisco’s SoMa neighborhood late Saturday night, sending him to the hospital with serious injuries.

In an Instagram post displaying considerable bruising to his face, Barry Miles stated that he was jumped after leaving Folsom Street’s Powerhouse on Feb. 4 by two men, who also stole his wallet. His face struck the sidewalk, knocking out a tooth and fracturing his neck. He was “pretty banged up,” he said.

“I also had a heart attack,” Miles’ post read. “They put in two stents.”

Reached for comment, the San Francisco Police Department confirmed the incident, noting that officers responded to a well-being check on nearby Langton Street just minutes after midnight on Sunday, Feb. 5.

[San Francisco Standard]

The police have yet to locate or identify any suspects.

The victim (graphic image below) is being treated in the hospital now, and a GoFundMe has been set up to help pay for expenses as he recovers.


On Saturday night, February 4th, our friend Barry was assaulted and robbed by two men as he left an LGBTQ+ bar in the South of Market area on Folsom Street. Per his February 5th social media post, his wallet was stolen, his face hit the sidewalk, a front tooth was knocked out, he suffered a heart attack, and has a small neck fracture. Doctors put in two stents and he is recovering at SF General Hospital.

He is self-employed in his housekeeping business and it is unknown when he will be well enough to work again. This fund will directly support Barry’s living expenses for the next three months, and he will need an expensive front tooth implant.

Barry is a community leader, titleholder, volunteer, and fundraiser for many organizations that have benefited numerous charities near and far. He is King XIV of Krewe de Kinque charitable Mardi Gras club, Mr. May 2016 of the charity Bare Chest Calendar, and involved with other organizations in the city of San Francisco. Any size donation will help us reach our initial goal and allow Barry to focus on healing. Many thanks.


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