Topless Woman On Flight To Moscow Demands Cockpit Entry, Bites Crew Member

Posted February 16, 2023 by with 1 comment

I thought Americans had cornered the market on psycho mid-flight meltdowns, but it turns out Russians are just as batshit insane. Via Independent:

A topless Russian woman demanded entry to the cockpit during an Aeroflot flight from Stavropol to Moscow.

The incident happened after Anzhelika Moskvitina was spotted smoking in the plane toilet.

A video obtained by Russian news site Mash shows the half-naked Ms Anzhelika Moskvitina being told to sit down.

The video also shows the flight attendant attempting to cover Ms Moskvitina with a blanket, but she refuses and says: “I understand I’ll go to the mental hospital or a prison.” Ms Moskvitina was then covered and pinned to the floor,

“Kill me here, but I will smoke,” she is heard shouting.

After being told to calm down, staff began trying to restrain her with cable ties, but the footage shows her lash out and bite a crew member.


The woman was arrested upon landing. Video:

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