Kentucky Republican Attempts To Ban “Obscene” Public School Books Despite Liking Dozens Of Porn Tweets

Posted March 7, 2023 by with 4 comments

Please, try to be surprised about this one. Via KentuckyLantern:

The sponsor of a bill mandating a complaint process for removing “obscene” materials from Kentucky’s public schools had, as recently as Monday morning, obscene images in his Twitter account history.

Sen. Jason Howell, R-Murray, says he was hacked, resulting in the appearance that he had “liked” tweets posted by pornography-related accounts. 

Some sexually explicit photos have remained in Howell’s  Twitter “likes” for almost two years, even after a reporter initially questioned him about them in 2021.

Howell released a statement Monday afternoon through Billings saying he was the victim of hacking “or subject to spam” and accusing the Lantern of “digging up” a two-year-old “inquiry.”

Howell also said Senate Bill 5 was “needed legislation to protect our children” and questioned the “context and motivation” of the Lantern’s reporting in light of his sponsorship of the bill.

Howell’s Twitter account is set to “protected,” meaning he has to invite followers to see his tweets, replies and likes. His account had 109 followers on Monday. 

A Kentucky Lantern reporter began following Howell’s account before it became protected, meaning the reporter can see his Twitter history.

Most of the “likes” in Howell’s account concern local sports events and politics. But as of May 2021, at least 20 tweets in his “like” history — with dates of the tweets ranging from June 2020 to May 2021 — showed visuals of nudity, sex acts and references to sex.  

At least 10 of those explicit or sexually suggestive tweets still appeared as “liked” in his account history as of the week of Feb. 27, 2023.

“Black men can use your wife however and whenever they want,” reads the caption of a “liked” Nov. 11, 2021 tweet showing a Black man and a white woman engaged in sexual intercourse. 



Anyone with even a semi-functioning brain knows that his account was definitely not hacked. As usual, the bigoted freaks protesting the most against so-called “obscene” things are always the ones who secretly love obscene things the most. And, of course, they are always Republicans. Also, while none of the public school books up for a potential ban are obscene (the targets, presumably, are books about puberty, menstruation, sexuality, etc.), the content he liked and followed on Twitter was actually pornographic.

More details on all of the porn tweets he liked and porn accounts he follows here.

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