Newsmax Guest Urges Conservatives To Be “More Homophobic”

Posted August 17, 2023 by with 13 comments

In response to LGBT issues and the so-called “woke” left in America, pundit Shemeka Michelle tells Newsmax host Eric Bolling (who was fired from Fox News in 2017 after sending lewd and pornographic photos to staffers), “We need to be more homophobic.”

The full clip is at MediaMatters, which includes this:

ERIC BOLLING (HOST): I mean, first of all, it is unbelievable that that’s our health secretary. But this idea of egg — you can’t say mother anymore. I’m getting — it’s — where are we? Where the hell are we, Shemeka?

SHEMEKA MICHELLE (GUEST): You know, I guess if we’re identifying as egg producers, I should just identify as a chicken from now on. I said this about five years ago, and so many people told me I was crazy, this wasn’t happening in the United States. And now look at us. This is silly to me. And so, what we have done is we have put in place people that 20 years ago would have been locked in an insane asylum. We’ve put them in prominent positions to completely confuse our children. And this is just silly. It’s nothing above stupidity. It is idiocy at its finest.

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