Alabama Man And His Mother Arrested For Murdering Teen Mom In Florida Home Depot Over Alleged STD Transmission

Posted August 23, 2023 by with 11 comments

Jesus fucking Christ, that headline was not easy to piece together. Another mess in Florida, of course, and this one involves a mother helping her son murder the son’s baby mama, who allegedly gave the son an STD. Your typical American family in 2023, via

The Alabama man police say walked into a Home Depot in Pensacola last Friday and shot dead an 18-year-old woman who was the mother of his child had learned earlier that day he had contracted a sexually transmitted disease, according to a report obtained by the Pensacola News Journal.

Keith Agee, 20, of Calvert, Ala., is charged with 1st-degree murder in the death of Brooklyn Sims, who was found dead inside the Home Depot where she was working as a contract employee for a company hired to do inventory for the home improvement retailer.

Sheila Agee, 50, of McIntosh, Ala., is charged as an accomplice after text messages obtained by investigators showed she not only knew of her son’s plan to kill Sims, but encouraged and helped facilitate the murder. Sheila Agee reportedly worked with Sims for the company contracted by Home Depot.


The text messages between the son and his mother are incomprehensible, and while it’s good they’re both in jail for killing the poor girl, I don’t understand how people this stupid would even know how to drive a car and operate a cell phone, let alone use a firearm and commit a murder?

The texts:

“Shi ain’t do nun but cost me money and gave me a ******* I’m fin just shoot her Ik I hate that for (Agee and Sims’ daughter) and buh like I said I can’t take it idgaf Nomo,” Keith Agee wrote in the first text.

“Ok,” Sheila Agee wrote. “Ok I’ll call you and tell you mf if you want to go to jail I’ll tell you when we get close but if you don’t come kill her you a mf b**ch.”

If I’m reading that correctly (I feel drunk trying to translate it?), the mother is taunting the son into killing the baby mama, and she’s basically saying that if he doesn’t commit the murder, he’s a motherfucking bitch? What does it mean when a mother is calling her own son a motherfucker?

The son is being held without bond, as is his mother. No word on what the STD was, but at least now that he’s in jail, he can get it treated. Or not. Who knows if they even bother providing medical care in Florida prisons.

News report below with more details via NBC15, including the revelation that the mother actually attended a “celebration of life” service for the teen mom, whom she helped murder!

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