Two Gay Men Stabbed Outside D.C. Bar

Posted August 24, 2023 by with 4 comments

Via Washington Blade:

D.C. police on Aug. 18 arrested a 35-year-old woman on two counts of assault with a dangerous weapon after two men who had just stepped outside the gay bar Fireplace at the corner of 22nd and P streets, N.W., reported she struck them in the neck with a sharp object.

One of the two men, who was sitting on a bench on the sidewalk at a bus stop in front of the Fireplace who was stabbed by the woman, was taken to a nearby hospital after he was bleeding “profusely” from the neck from the stab wound, according to an arrest affidavit filed in D.C. Superior Court.

Police and court records identify the woman as Mary Kennedy, 35, of no fixed address. She has been held in jail without bond since the time of her arrest on Aug. 18.

[Washington Blade]

Both men are recovering and police aren’t investigating the stabbings as a hate crime, as the suspect may have just been a crazy homeless lady. One of the victims, however, does think it was a hate crime, telling the Blade, “I feel that this was a hate crime. I feel this was an attempt on my life and I feel I deserve some form of justice as I’m actively seeking counsel.” The suspect reportedly used scissors to stab the two men, and one of the victims started a GoFundMe to help cover expenses while he takes time off work.

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