Awkward: Ashton Kutcher And Mila Kunis Apologize For Writing Letters Of Support For Convicted Rapist Danny Masterson

Posted September 9, 2023 by with 11 comments

I always liked Mila Kunis for Black Swan, but other than that, I couldn’t tell you anything else about her. I’ve only seen Ashton Kutcher in clips from Dude Where’s My Car?, and just assumed he was a washed-up teen actor from the 2000’s. At any rate, they’re apparently married and they’re deservedly being dragged to hell and back for writing “character” letters to the sentencing judge in support of Scientologist and convicted rapist Danny Masterson, who once starred in a sitcom with Kunis and Kutcher. Today, Kunis and Kutcher (that sounds like the name of a personal injury law firm) released an Instagram video to say sorry for supporting the convicted rapist, and it is painfully awkward. Why do they keep looking at each other after delivering their lines? Did they record this in a Crate & Barrel? I guess it’s better than an iPhone Notes App apology. Via Instagram:

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What’s funny is that these two are now basically ruined in Hollywood for writing letters that, whoops, did absolutely nothing to inspire leniency from the judge. Masterson was given the maximum sentence of life in prison, although he’ll be eligible for parole in about 25 years. Must’ve been some really convincing character letters.

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