Florida Woman Arrested For Shoving Dog Shit Into 76-Year-Old Neighbor’s Face

Posted October 12, 2023 by with 2 comments

With cases like this, do I even need to identify the suspect as someone for Florida? You already know where they’re from just by reading the crime in the headline. Summary via The Smoking Gun (more details here):

Kali Robertson, 28, was arrested Sunday morning after a confrontation at the mobile home park where she and the 76-year-old victim live in separate residences.

According to a complaint charging Robertson with battery on a victim 65 years or older, she became upset with Daniel Powell, who “would always speak with her while she walked her dog.”

Robertson, cops say, took an “unsecured bag of dog feces and pushed it” into Powell’s face, “leaving feces smeared on his face and the bag on the ground.”


Of course it was in a mobile home park. She’s currently free on $2,500 bond and pleaded not guilty.

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