Florida Man In Banana Costume Arrested For Peeing In Public

Posted October 31, 2023 by with 1 comment

Aww, he’s kind of cute. And, I’m sorry, but hasn’t every drunk guy in his 20’s peed on the side of a building before? For once, a Florida man who actually didn’t really do anything wrong. Well, except for evading arrest. That was probably a mistake. Arrest details at The Smoking Gun. Summary:

A man dressed in a banana costume sought to slip out of police custody after being caught early yesterday urinating on a Key West sidewalk, according to cops who had to chase the fleeing reveler through Old Town streets.

After being flagged down “about a white male in a banana costume” relieving himself on the side of a building–across from a row of porta pottys–a Key West Police Department officer spotted Kyle Mortimer, 20, “urinating on the sidewalk,” according to an arrest report.


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