George Santos Facing Expulsion Vote In House Of Representatives Today

Posted November 1, 2023 by with 6 comments

The video above is from earlier today, and the vote to expel eventual convicted felon George Santos from the House of Representatives is expected to begin within the next hour. This article will be updated with news on how the vote turns out. Via Reuters:

The U.S. House of Representatives will vote on Wednesday on whether to expel Republican Congressman George Santos after he was indicted on corruption charges, a highly unusual move that could erode his party’s narrow majority.

It would take a 2/3 majority to remove Santos, so the expulsion is unlikely. But, who knows, the House made history last month when they removed the Speaker for the first time in history, so I suppose anything could happen.

Update: Santos will live to see another day. The vote was 179 for and 213 against expulsion, so the people who wanted him gone couldn’t even get a simple majority. His trial is still a year away, but either way, he’ll undoubtedly be voted out of office next November.

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