Trump Booed And Screamed At By Audience At Libertarian Convention While Begging For Their Votes: “Bullshit!”

Posted May 25, 2024 by with 7 comments

Libertarians are mostly full of shit crybaby wack-jobs, but they can be right on a few issues every once and a while. They can also be a lot of fun at conventions, as seen in the clip below. Here’s a raucous crowd of bros booing and heckling Trump when he spoke at the Libertarian convention this weekend:

Trump is desperately trying to secure some of these morons’ votes, which will most likely go to the brain worms inside of anti-vax lunatic Robert Kennedy, who received a standing ovation when he spoke at the convention on Friday. Before Trump took to the stage earlier today, one Libertarian Party member shouted: “Donald Trump should have taken a bullet!” per this Reuters report. Well, they’re not wrong. Also, when Trump promised to put a Libertarian in his cabinet, several people screamed, “Bullshit!”

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