Police Searching For Dumb Fucking Bitch Who Murdered Man While Illegally Riding E-Scooter

Posted September 21, 2024 by with 1 comment

I would always see these stupid fucking scooters when I lived in Long Beach, either randomly parked on a sidewalk and completely blocking people’s path or being driven around like little speeding cars by dipshit teens. Some dumb bitch and her boyfriend were illegally using the scooters on a sidewalk in L.A. this week and ended up running over a man who hit his head and died, and now police are looking for the worthless cunt for felony hit and run. The man should’ve immediately been taken for a CT after hitting his head, which was bleeding everywhere, and while they couldn’t force him to go, at least the paramedics did all they could, but he refused to go to the hospital. If I was a family member, I would’ve just tied him up and dragged him to the ER against his will, if need be. You can never let a head injury go without getting checked out. Via ABC:

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