Gay Porn Twink Jessie Montgomery Starts His THIRD GoFundMe Campaign!

Posted May 19, 2015 by with 56 comments


Which one of gay porn twink Jessie Montgomery’s GoFundMe campaigns is your favorite?

Is it his first GoFundMe, in which he asked for a $600 car?


Is it his second GoFundMe, in which he asked for $2,000 to be a drag queen?


Or is it his new, third GoFundMe, in which he wants over $5,500 to furnish an L.A. apartment?


—To which Jessie Montgomery GoFundMe will you be donating?
—Which Jessie Montgomery GoFundMe do you want to see succeed the most?
—Should Jessie Montgomery combine all three of his GoFundMes into a single, “mega” GoFundMe so he can pool all of his money and buy a car/be a drag queen/furnish an apartment more efficiently?
—Wait, why does he only want $600 for a car, but $5,500 for furniture?


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