Sweet 16: Sixteen Questions With Gay Porn Star Elye Black
Since his gay porn debut almost one year ago with Corbin Fisher, Elye Black (formerly known as Dave) quickly became a Str8UpGayPorn favorite and proved to be one of the best performers of 2017. His versatility, youthful good looks, and constantly rock hard cock made Elye a favorite among many gay porn fans, and he’s now performing exclusively for Next Door Studios. Str8UpGayPorn had a chance to ask Elye 16 questions in our new interview series, Sweet 16, and his revealing answers about his work as a performer, his sexuality, and more are below!
1. Str8Up: Hi Elye! Let’s start with some basics: How old are you, how tall are you, where are you originally from, are you single, and where are you based out of now?
Elye Black: I’m 22 years old, and I think I’m either 5’8″ or 5’9″, I haven’t checked my height in a few years. As of right now, I’m single. I’m originally from Arizona, but I’m living in Southern California now.
2. When did you decide to become a performer, and what led to that decision?
I’ve been interested in becoming a performer since I started watching porn many years ago. I finally got an opportunity to get into the industry and I took it without hesitation!3. What kind of porn did you watch prior to becoming a performer yourself? Certain studios or sites or types of porn you prefer to watch?
I’ve always watched both gay and straight porn depending on what I’m in the mood for. I watch a lot more gay porn now that I’m in it because I’m constantly studying other stars and working on improving my own performances. Sometimes I like passionate massage videos, while other times I’m into kinky bondage videos. It varies.4. You’ve performed in both gay and bisexual scenes (at Corbin Fisher). Do you identify as gay, bisexual, or straight? And, do you think a performer’s real-life sexuality plays a role in how they have sex on-camera? I’m bisexual. I think it depends on the performer, but if you like it off camera, I think you have an upper hand on camera.
5. Performers are everywhere on social media. What is your favorite thing about being on social media and interacting with so many fans? And, conversely, what is the worst or most challenging part about this?@ElyeBlackXXX) But, the fans I do have show their love, and I do my best to reply to everybody and to make my fans feel as special as they make me feel. I didn’t think people would take such a liking to me, but I’m humbled by the attention.
Well, I wouldn’t say I have a huge fan base or a lot of followers compared to other performers—I think I only have 350 followers on Twitter! (Here’s a couple samples of some songs I made awhile ago? pic.twitter.com/NYRCoj4z6D
— Elye Black (@ElyeBlackXXX) February 10, 2018
6. Tell us what it was like shooting your very first gay porn scene. Did the filming go as you expected it to? How long did the shoot take?
It was a lot of fun! I had an idea of what to expect from my solo videos, but I was still nervous. I think doing solos is more nerve wracking though because when you’re in a scene with someone else, you guys are in it together, and can comfort each other in a way. I was surprised at first by how long scenes typically take—about three hours—but time flies once you get going.7. It feels like performing in gay porn has become less taboo over the last few years. Do you discuss your work with people outside of the industry?
I told everybody in my family already. I just ripped off the band-aid and rolled with it. They were all surprisingly accepting of it, and I’m glad I don’t have a secret I have to worry about keeping.8. Do you work in any other jobs or go to school right now, or are you primarily focused on performing?
I’m focused on learning the adult industry and climbing the ladder. I plan on sticking around for a while.9. As a model yourself, what advice would you give to someone who’s thinking of becoming a gay porn star?
There’s a lot of little tips I could give, but a big one would be to stay humble! Don’t argue with the director, and respect your coworkers and film crew, or you won’t last long in this industry.10. Viewers can take for granted how challenging it might be to perform on camera. Was it ever a challenge for you, and if so, how did you ease into it?
It can be challenging sometimes. Sometimes it’s just not your day! For the most part, my scenes go smoothly.11. You starred in some of the best scenes of 2017—including one of Str8Up’s Top 10 scenes of 2017, with Beau—and were one of the best performers of the year. Have you always been so good at having sex, even off camera? What do you think it is about you that makes your performances so great? Thank you! I definitely got better at sex since I’ve been in the industry. I did my best in the beginning and steadily improved I feel. I think being friendly and keeping a positive attitude on set, no matter what, and making sure your scene partner is comfortable builds chemistry and ultimately leads to a great scene.
12. Do you have a favorite or most memorable scene or scene partner you’ve worked with so far? What did you like most about it, and why?
I can’t say I have a favorite. I’ve met a lot of awesome guys and filmed some great scenes with them, it would be impossible to choose a favorite!13. Well, I loved all your work with Evan and Beau, and I loved your recent scene with Jason Richards. When you’re not performing and modeling, what do you do in your free time for fun?
I spend a lot of time out of the house. I go to the beach a lot, or I’ll try to find events around my city to go check out. Sometimes I take little trips to see old friends around California and Arizona.
14. Is there anything you haven’t done on camera yet that you’d like to try?
There’s a long list. I’d like to be a bottom in a room full of horny tops for starters!15. That would be epic! Do you prefer doing scenes with some dialogue and story, or do you prefer basic sex scenes with no plot?
I love doing scenes with dialogue and a good story. I like to act and play different roles, and I really get into it.
16. What do you have planned in the coming weeks and months for fans to look forward to?
I plan to start doing cam shows soon, I just bought a new computer and an HD webcam!We’ll be watching. Thanks for chatting, Dave!
[NextDoorStudios: Elye Black]